2016 Saving Wildlife Successes
The Houston Zoo had amazing Saving Wildlife Successes in 2016. Each success and action works toward fulfilling the Zoo’s mission to connect communities with animals, inspiring action to save wildlife.

The Houston Zoo provided support and training for 180 local students in the Galapagos to participate in wildlife saving field-courses.
The Houston Zoo released 90 Attwater’s prairie chickens into the wild this year. This native Texas species would be extinct without this reintroduction project.
The Houston Zoo released more than 775,000 Houston Toad eggs into the wild. This native Texas species of toad would be extinct without this reintroduction project.
The Houston Zoo and conservation partners protected 20% of Africa’s remaining wild lions. By working as one team, projects around Africa working to save lions can collaborate and share ideas and knowledge, providing more protection to lions.

Houston Zoo staff tagged 23 Monarch butterflies for tracking and protection. By learning more about Monarch migration patterns, plans can be created to help save them in the wild.
The Houston Zoo provided medical care for 70 sea turtles and 1,963 guests pledged to use reusable bags to save sea turtles in the wild. Reusable bags protect sea turtles from harm by keeping plastic bags out of the ocean. Use a reusable bag on your next trip to the grocery store to protect sea turtles.
The Houston Zoo has saved 1,604.8 fully-grown trees by using 100% recycled content paper in our everyday operations. When you go shopping for paper save bears in the wild by purchasing recycled content paper. Using recycled content paper saves trees that bears need to survive.

The Houston Zoo with the help of guests recycled 4,081 pounds of holiday lights to date, saving bobcats in the wild. Recycling holiday lights keeps them out of landfills, which means more space for animals like bobcats, deer and armadillos.
All these successes were made possible by the over 2.5 million people who helped save wildlife by visiting the Houston Zoo. This is because a portion of all memberships and admissions goes straight to protecting animals in the wild.