Good News: We Are Protecting Wildlife Around the Globe
Earlier today, we took you up close with Zookeeper Hayley to meet our meerkat mob! Each one receives the highest levels of care from animal care team and veterinarians. In the wild, meerkats are found in Africa. Across Africa, and across the globe, the Houston Zoo provides training, supplies, and support for people that are working to protect the wild cousins of the animals—like lions, meerkats, and rhinos—we have at the Zoo. Our international conservation partners strengthen their local community’s connections with all local wildlife to inspire them to care. Our animal care teams here at the Zoo do the same thing with our local community. Every donation, visit, membership, purchase at the Zoo, helps us save wildlife here and around the globe.

Currently, we support 49 wildlife conservation projects in 27 countries—including lots of wildlife-saving work right here in Texas! We hold and breed endangered species as part of recovery programs like the Attwater’s prairie chicken and Houston toad. These species would have gone extinct without the Zoo’s breeding and reintroduction efforts. This critical work helps us fulfill our mission to connect communities with animals to inspire action to save wildlife.

We can’t achieve our mission without you—and your support is more critical than ever. By supporting the Zoo’s Emergency Zoo Fund, you are supporting the animals at the Zoo, in the wild, and all our animal care professionals who work tirelessly through this difficult time to ensure the highest care for our animals.