Grab a Drink and Save Animals in the Wild at Brew at the Zoo on April 25th!
Do you ever wish you could throw back some of your favorite brews and save wildlife? Well raise your glass, because for the second year in a row you will be protecting animals in the wild at Brew at the Zoo! On Thursday April 25 from 7 to 10pm Brew attendees will not only spend the evening sampling beers and chowing down on pub-style grub, they’ll be helping us protect animals like elephants in the wild!
Throughout the event there will be a number of opportunities for guests to see presentations with our jaguars, black bears, sea lions, elephants and herps. Each of these species are ambassadors for their wild counterparts, and each time you see them here at the Zoo, you are supporting the wildlife-saving work of our partners both in Texas and around the globe. To put it simply, by attending Brew at the Zoo you are: supporting the work of people protecting wild jaguars from being hit by cars in Brazil, making it possible to remove dangerous trash like fishing line and plastic from the sea lion’s ocean home, funding the work of individuals creating ways for local people to live safely with snakes in India, and so much more!Who knew you could do so much amazing work on your fun night out?! And the wildlife-saving doesn’t stop there. At Brew at the Zoo, we are proud to offer local beers and support our local breweries just as we are proud to be involved in efforts to help save local species, like the Houston toad and Attwater’s prairie chicken.

The Zoo has saved these species from extinction through captive breeding programs and releasing these animals into the wild. Brew at the Zoo is also one of the many platforms for helping the Zoo reach its goal of being zero-waste to landfill. Last year we were able to divert 80% of the waste from the event from going to the landfill through composting and recycling! This helps to protect even more local species like bobcats – the less space needed for landfills, the more space there is for wildlife.
We’re excited to have you join us for what we are sure will be another memorable night of wildlife-saving fun here at the Houston Zoo. Grab your tickets today and we’ll see you and your friends on April 25th!