Penny Makes Her Move
Well, my plan worked! I have moved into a beautiful new room in the Ambassador Animal Building! I have directed

my staff…..I mean the zookeepers, on what to put in my room and how to arrange it.
I have cat trees, boxes, kennels, and lots of toys. So many things to keep me happy and busy. And, the keepers talk to me and keep me company all the time. I feel so regal in this new spot that I am considering wearing my tiara.

My next door neighbor is Peanut, the Aardvark. She is a very pleasant neighbor. In fact, she sleeps most of the day so she is no bother at all. Denver the Macaw gets a little loud sometimes, but that’s ok too. I can handle it – even though I might have to have a talk with him at some point. There are chinchillas, rabbits, birds, and reptiles here too. I have some amazing neighbors.
I still get to go out in the zoo. My handlers bring me out on my leash to visit and see zoo guests. I also get to go to presentations and classrooms. I still go to the Naturally Wild Swap Shop from time to time too.
I will miss getting to say hello to the regular traders at the Swap Shop, but this new room is amazing!

Don’t forget about me. I sure won’t forget about you. I still love all my pals that come to the Swap Shop. When you are at the zoo, keep your eyes open. You never know where or when you will see me.
Don’t know about the Naturally Wild Swap Shop? Click here for more information.