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Jaguar Cub Rojo Enjoys a Paw-some Valentine’s Day 

Rojo means red, jaguars are cute, fall in love this Valentine’s Day at the Houston Zoo! The Zoo’s female jaguar, Vida, is celebrating love by sharing a rare glimpse of her cub, Rojo filmed behind the scenes on Monday. As Rojo is stealing the hearts of staff, the three-month-old male jaguar has been gaining confidence, growing stronger, and more independent–all great indicators as he prepares for his public debut. While waiting for the day he’s big enough, guests can visit dad Tesoro in the Zoo’s South America’s Pantanal exhibit, behind the giant river otters.

The name Rojo was chosen by Zoo supporters and friends, the Ames Family, who placed the winning bid to name the cub during a live auction at Zoo Ball – Wings of Wonder presented by Phillips 66. Rojo, which means “red” in Spanish, reflects the beauty and strength of these majestic animals.

Since being born in November weighing 2.5 pounds, Rojo is now tipping the scales at about 20 pounds and quickly gaining weight every day. Rojo and mom have been bonding behind the scenes where his strength and playful antics are capturing the hearts of his keepers as mom keeps a watchful eye on him at all times. Rojo enjoys climbing, investigating and watching dad, Tesoro, from a distance.Rojo’s birth is part of Houston Zoo’s ongoing commitment to jaguar conservation and education. Houston Zoo participates in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Species Survival Plan® (SSP) Program for jaguars working to ensure a sustainable future for the iconic big cat. Rojo’s parents, Vida and Tesoro, are ambassadors for their threatened species and help raise awareness about the importance of habitat preservation and protecting jaguars from poaching and deforestation.

Like mother, like son. Photo taken by Keeper Alicia.

Each Zoo visit helps save wild jaguars. A portion of each Zoo ticket and membership supports Projeto Ariranhas, a training workshop that helps local Brazilian tour guides learn how to lead jaguar-safe tours so people and wildlife in the region can safely and successfully coexist.