Spotlight on Species – Otters!
On July 16th, from 10AM – 3PM, the Houston Zoo will be celebrating a Spotlight on Species (SOS) all about otters!
Did you know that there are 13 different species of otters and that several of the species are endangered?
Did you know we have otters right here in Texas?
Come and learn about Texas otters and otters around the world. Meet our North American River Otter and

Asian Small Clawed Otters that call the Houston Zoo home.
The SOS will take place in both the John P. McGovern Children’s Zoo and the Natural Encounters building. There will be lots to learn along with activities and fun for the whole family. There will be tables with information and education materials along with special Meet
the Keeper chats at both locations. It is also going to be Snow Day at the Zoo, and our North American River Otter, Belle, will be

getting snow to play in!
The Naturally Wild Swap Shop will be participating too! Any nature reports or nature journals on otters brought in on the day of the SOS will receive DOUBLE points! Also, if you take the electronic pledge that day to go plastic bag free and come tell us in the Swap Shop, you will earn you 25 points. If you take the pledge you will also be entered in to a drawing for one of two special otter experiences.
Don’t know about the Naturally Wild Swap Shop? Click here to learn more.