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Houstonians are Saving Gorillas by Recycling Electronics

Camp Zoofari Inspires 11 Year-old to Start Cell Phone Recycling Project in Africa, Saving Gorillas in the Wild!

Successful Zoo Debut for Chimpanzee Scooter
Animal Facts
Scientific Name
Pan troglodytes
Western & Central Africa – largest populations in Congo and Gabon
Location in the Zoo
African Forest
Cool Animal Fact
Chimpanzees and humans have DNA that is 98% the same. Chimps are more closely related to humans than they are to orangutans.
How We Help Save Them
We save chimps in the wild by delivering support, training, and supplies for veterinarians in Africa that provide care for injured, wild chimps.

How You Can Help Chimps in the Wild
Be a hero; recycle your used cell phones-drop your old cell phone into the cell phone recycling box located by the main entrance near Guest Relations.
Donate to help support our partners who work to save chimps in the wild: