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Houston Toad

Historically, the Houston toad ranged across central and east Texas, but a drought and urban expansion in the 1960s saw the population decline. Today, there are only four small habitat areas left.

two Houston toads sitting next to each other

Animal Facts

Scientific Name

Bufo houstonensis


Bastrop and a few other Texas counties

Status in the Wild


Location in the Zoo

Reptile and Amphibian House

Cool Animal Fact

The zoo maintains a 1,200 square foot Houston toad quarantine facility that serves as a location for the captive breeding and head starting of wild Houston toad egg strands for release into the wild. This facility is managed by two full-time Houston toad specialists who care for the toads and work closely with the program partners in the breed-and-release efforts.

How We Are Helping to Save Them

  • In 2020, 899,700 Houston toad eggs were released into the wild. This program is saving this rare Texas toad from extinction.
  • As of April 2018, a minimum of 13 wild egg strands were found in one pond alone.
  • For the first time in many years, large multi-male choruses have been heard within the Houston toads’ range.

How You Can Help

Take the family and visit Bastrop State park, the only remaining state-protected area where Houston toads can still be found! A portion of your entrance fees goes towards the park’s conservation efforts and habitat recovery.

Donate today and help Houston toads!


Houston Toad vs. Gulf Coast Toad

Houston Toad News / More ›

Making an Impact on Houston Toads
September 28, 2022

Making an Impact on Houston Toads

The Zoo’s Connection with Houston Toads
February 8, 2021

The Zoo’s Connection with Houston Toads

Good News: We are Saving Houston Species From Extinction
April 27, 2020

Good News: We are Saving Houston Species From Extinction