Attwater’s Prairie Chicken – Shrinking Habitat (PDF)
Learn how habitat loss can impact animal populations.
Black Bears – How Many Bears (PDF)
Simulate bear behavior and actively gather essential factors in a habitat during this hands-on activity.
Houston Toads (PDF)
Wetland Band (PDF)
Discuss why communication is important for animals and have your students create their own instrument that mimics a frog or toad call.
Nests and Eggs (PDF)
A variety of birds and reptiles call Texas home. Learn about the assortment of nests and eggs that are found in our state.
Ocelot Camouflage (PDF)
Demonstrate how camouflage is used for protection and survival.
Sea Turtle Excluder Device (PDF)
Sea Turtle STEM Resource (PDF)
Learn about the Turtle Excluder Devices (TED) that commercial fishermen use to help marine life in the Gulf of Mexico.
Whooping Cranes – The Incredible Journey (PDF)
Incredible Journey (PDF)
Migrate like the Whooping Cranes through North America.
Share Your Stories
Have you used any of the previous Educators Night Out activities with your students? Do you and your students help save wildlife? If so, share your pictures and stories!
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