Reduction and Recycling (Electronic Devices) News / More ›

Houston Zoo Leads the Charge Towards a Greener Future

5 Ways to Celebrate Earth Day

Good News: We are Protecting Gorillas in the Wild
What is the connection between animals and handheld electronics like cell phones?
Cell phones and other handheld electronic devices contain a material called tantalum that is derived from the mineral Col-Tan (columbite-tantalite). Coltan is destructively mined in central Africa, which happens to be where animals like chimpanzees, gorillas, mandrills and okapi live.
When the metal is taken from these animal habitats, their homes become disrupted and these animal populations, as well as other plant and animals species in the same habitat, decrease.
Benefits at Home
Cell phones and their accessories contain a large number of hazardous substances and toxic materials. These toxins include arsenic, beryllium, cadmium and lead. When thrown away, these electronics make their way to landfills where these contaminants can leach into the ground and waterways contaminating natural resources and polluting wildlife habitat.

What can YOU do to help?
It is simple! Recycle your handheld electronic devices.
Devices we recycle: Cell phones, Smart phones, iPods or other MP3 players, iPads or other tablets, WIFI hot spots, Handheld gaming devices, GPS, Electronic accessories such as chargers, blue tooth headsets, etc.
By recycling cell phones, YOU can help animals like gorillas, chimpanzees, and okapis by reducing the demand for new materials to be mined.

How to Recycle
Drop off your unused handheld electronics on your next visit. The collection box is located at the main entrance of the Zoo next to Guest Relations.
OR Mail them in!
Houston Zoo
c/o Electronic Device Recycling Leader
1513 Cambridge St.
Houston, Texas 77030

Our Global Partners
Conservation Heritage-Turambe
Gorilla Doctors
Okapi Conservation Project