Easy Action
- Houston Zoo only uses toilet paper made from recycled content, and you can help animals by doing the same!
- Recycle your zoo map at the exit. Paper products can be recycled and turned into something new multiple times.
How You Can Help
- Opt out of junk mail.
- Cancel unwanted catalogs.
- Use reusable chopsticks.
- Have event tickets sent to your phone instead of printing them.
- Sign up for paperless statements.
- Say no to printed receipts. Instead ask for them to be emailed.
- Use 100% recycled paper.
- Use reusable lunchboxes instead of paper bags.
How Houston Zoo Helps
We are continuing our efforts to save forests and the animals that live in them—like local black bears—by using recycled paper created by our friends at New Leaf.
The average household uses 120 rolls of toilet paper each year, that’s 1 roll every 3 days. 27,000 trees are cut down every single day to provide toilet paper for the world. These trees are important habitat for animals like chimpanzees, macaws, and black bears.
By using recycled content toilet paper, we help save the important habitat for animals like chimpanzees, macaws and black bears.
Reducing, Recycling, and Responsibly Sourcing (Paper and Wood) News / More ›

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