Adopt Shasta $75
Cougar animal plush with UH bandana
Adopt certificate
Cougar fact sheet
5×7 photo of Shasta
2 Houston Zoo tickets
Adopt E-Newsletter
Shipping and handling $10
About Shasta VII
Shasta VII is one of two (the other being Louie) male cougars that were found orphaned in Washington state by the Washington State Fish & Wildlife Services. Shortly after sending out word that we had the expertise to care for cougars, the four-week-old cubs were flown to the Lone Star State to settle into life at Houston Zoo. Shasta has shown himself to be the leader of the two by being protective of his smaller brother and being the calmer, more confident cub. Shasta often sleeps or rests with a paw over Louie. Shasta, as well as Louie, will carry the long-standing tradition in partnership with the University of Houston Alumni Association and be ambassadors for their counterparts in the wild while faithfully representing the cougar spirit of the University of Houston from their home at Houston Zoo.
Remembering Shasta VI
2011 – 2022
Shasta VI came to the Houston Zoo in December 2011 after a hunter illegally shot and killed his mother in Washington state. As a five-week-old cub, Shasta had little chance of survival in the wild. Thankfully, Washington State Fish & Wildlife agents were able to locate and rescue Shasta. When he arrived at the Houston Zoo, a partnership was formed between the University of Houston and the Zoo to designate Shasta as the official mascot of UH.